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“Pesach in Hawaii” is brought to you by Chabad of Hawaii,
a vibrant oasis of warmth and Yiddishkeit - both for those passing through and  kama'aina (locals) living in Hawaii.


Rabbi Itchel and Perel Krasnjansky, shluchim of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, have been directing and
organizing events and activities in beautiful Honolulu,
serving the local and visitor community since 1987.


The Krasnjansky's have 37 years experience in generous hospitality, hosting Pesach – and all things Jewish in Hawaii.

program overview


Pesach in Hawaii offers Non-Gebrokhts, gourmet meals which include lunch and dinner served throughout Pesach at the Aloha Lani Kosher restaurant. Breakfast supplies will be available to take to your hotel room, or to eat at the restaurant.

Meals begin with dinner on Sunday, April 21 through brunch, Wednesday, May 1.

Click Here to View Rates.


Pesach in Hawaii observes the highest Kashrus standards. Our facility is under the kosher supervision of Rabbi Itchel Krasnjansky and a dedicated team of Mashgichim (kosher supervisors).

All Shabbos, Yom Tov, Chol Hamoed, and weekday meals will be served at Chabad of Hawaii's restaurant, Aloha Lani Kosher: 2241 Kapiolani Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96826.


Your rooms are to be reserved directly with your selected hotel.
Read more about booking your accommodations here.


Our goal is to provide a UNIQUE Pesach experience - an opportunity to enjoy, relax and spend Pesach in Hawaii so that you and your family can have your own experience and enjoy the unparalleled beauty that Hawaii has to offer.


Your spot at Pesach in Hawaii is on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Please click on the links above to learn more about Pesach in Hawaii 2024.


To discuss Pesach in Hawaii, we would be delighted to have a personal conversation with you!

Please call Rabbi Itchel at 808-478-8891. 

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